Chapter 7 - Myocardial Infarction

I don’t own Twilight or any of its characters, Stephanie Meyer does. I don't make any money from this.

“You got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything” – Ginger Rogers

Everything was smooth sailing for Ruby and Jacob for a month. Four weeks full of dinners at Sam’s and lunches at Margaret’s; walks on the beach and water gun fights with Claire; watching movies in the dark and drives to Port Angeles. A month where Ruby watched as Jacob finally got around to fixing his car and where Jacob started to teach her how to ride a motorcycle (which went a hell of a lot better than when he taught Bella, considering no blood was involved).

Jacob and Ruby’s relationship was progressing also. Gentle kisses were now heated make-out sessions and hands no longer held onto hands but explored other areas of the body. They took it slowly, they still had not seen each other naked and they did everything over their clothes, but they enjoyed themselves none the less.

During that month, Ruby was even invited to Edward’s house (an invitation Jacob declined) and met the Cullen family. Dinner was an unusual event, as Bella and Ruby were the only ones eating but the Ruby thought the company was nice. The Cullen family were smart and kind and they seemed to instantly warm to her. She got Rosalie to smile and be genuinely friendly with her after Ruby commented on Rosalie’s beauty. Carlisle even told her that he would help her in her goal to be a midwife; give her one on one lessons if she wanted. Ruby jumped at the opportunity.

Ruby went home that night overwhelmed and thankful for her move to Forks that night. Her whole life she only had her parents and grandparents for company, and for a while it was only her grandmother but now… her cup runneth over.

Ruby and Jacob had a full month of undisturbed good times before the first in what would be a string of bad news came.

She hadn’t slept too much the night before and was up early that day. That would explain why she didn’t hear the phone in her room ringing and just slept right through it. Just as soon as the phone stopped ringing, it started right up again. She still did not hear it but a sleepy Margaret could from down the hall and woke up. She shuffled down the hall, one hand on the banister to steady her, and opened the door to Ruby’s room. The phone was on the nightstand by her granddaughter’s head yet Ruby continued to sleep as if a song was not echoing off the walls.

Ruby’s little red phone rang and vibrated all of the nightstand. Normally, Margaret would never answer Ruby’s phone but she noticed Sam’s name on the display screen and figured she should at least see what his reason for calling was. She reached for it and flipped it open.


“Mrs. Taylor?” His voice was rushed and out of breath. “This is Sam. Sam Uley, Jacob’s friend. I apologize for calling so late but is Ruby there? It’s an emergency.”

“Oh, Gods. Is Jacob ok?”

“He’s fine.” Sam paused to sigh. “It’s his father.” Margaret gasped and started to shake Ruby awake.

“Huh?” Ruby mumbled.

“Moon Star, wake up.”

“No,” Ruby groaned. She pulled the pillow out from under her and plopped it over her head. “I’m so tired. I don’t want to wake up yet. Sun’s not even up,” she grumbled.

“Ruby, it’s the phone. It’s Sam.” Ruby suddenly sat upright, her hand held out for the phone. There would be no reason for Sam to call her in the middle of the night unless something happened. Once she had the phone firmly in her shaky hand, she brought it to her ear.

“What is it, Sammy? What’s wrong?” She stifled a yawn and wiped away some moisture at the corner of her mouth.

“Billy. He had a heart attack. Jacob’s pretty shaken up.” Ruby had a moment where she could not think. Everything went blank. Then one thought entered her mind. She needed to get to Jacob.

“Where are you?”

“Forks Community Hospital.”

“I’ll be right there.” She slammed the phone shut and jumped out of bed to see her grandmother holding out a pair of jeans and a tank top. “You’re the best. Thanks.” She said taking the items from her and running into her bathroom to change. As she left her room she picked up a pair of sneakers and ran barefoot to her car. Her grandmother calling out to her to let her know what happens.

She drove quickly, glad that it was past three in the morning; there was not a soul on the road. At the hospital, she pulled into the first available spot and was halfway to the door before she realized she had no shoes on; she had left them on the passenger seat. Running back to the car, she slipped them onto her feet and ran back.

The first person she saw was Sam. He was standing with Embry and Quil, who for once wasn’t smiling.

“Ruby. Thank goodness.” Sam came towards her and gave her a hug, Embry and Quil followed.

“How’s Billy?”

“All we know is that he’s stable. We don’t know anything else. They won’t tell us anything because we’re not family and Jacob hasn’t left his side.”

“Crap. Stay right here, I’ll be back when I can.” Ruby made a beeline for the receptionist desk. The lady behind the desk looked up and smiled.

“Can I help you?”

“Yes. I was wondering if you can please tell me what room Billy Black is in. He was brought in earlier. He had a heart attack.”

“Are you family?”


“Your relation?” Ruby hesitated for a second before answering.

“I’m his daughter-in-law.” The lady behind the desk nodded.

“He’s in room 236.”

Room 236 was quiet and the lights were dimmed. Jacob was sitting in a chair next to the bed, his hand grasping his father’s.

“Jacob,” Ruby said quietly. He looked up at gave her a tired smile, getting up and walking over to her. She gave him a tight hug and a peck on the lips. “How is he?”

“He’s doing fine now. But he’s going to need a triple bypass.” Jacob looked to be on the verge of tears.

“Oh Gods.” She took a deep breath, understanding fully the amount of surgery he would need. “Jacob, Sam and the guys are in the waiting room. Why don’t you go tell them how Billy is doing? They are really worried. And get yourself something to drink.”

“I’m so nervous. This hospital isn’t exactly up there when it comes to technology. A triple bypass is a serious thing. What if th-”

“Don’t think that way. If anything happened, I’d heal him myself.”

He sighed and looked over at his father. “Will you stay with him?”

“Of course. I won’t leave him.” She walked over to Billy as Jacob left the room. He looked pale and so fragile. After a few minutes, Billy opened his eyes. “Billy. Billy, how are you?”

“Ruby?” His voice was barely audible. “My chest hurts a little.”

“Yeah. You had a heart attack. You’re going to need a triple bypass.” Billy sighed and Ruby looked around and moved closer to Billy’s side. “I know you know about me. I can- I can heal you.”

Billy shook his head slowly. “No. The doctors. Look suspicious if I’m suddenly well,” he managed to say and she had to agree with him.

“Ok. You tell me if you change your mind.”

He smiled. “Will do sweetie.” Jacob came back then and upon seeing his father awake, went to his father’s side. Ruby excused herself, looking for Sam, she found him in the waiting room.

“If Jacob looks for me, tell him I’ll be right back. I just have a phone call to make.”

Fifteen minutes later, Ruby walked back into the hospital with three people; Bella, Edward and Carlisle. Sam jumped up, along with Jarred and Paul, who arrived while Ruby was out.

“What are they doing here?” Sam asked. His tone was hostile as he stared at the men.

“I thought Bella and Charlie should know what happened. Charlie is his best friend after all. He’s on his way.”

“Not her,” though Sam did not look any happier to see Bella, “them. What are they doing here?”

“I assume Edward is here for Bella, to lend her support. Dr. Cullen is here because I called him. He’s a great doctor, the best in Washington, and with all the years he’s been practicing, quite possibly the best anywhere. I want him to do the procedure for Billy.”

“He’s a vampire.” Sam hissed. His voice was low even though they were the only ones in the waiting area. Jacob, looking for Ruby, took that moment to step into the waiting room. He kept silent as he stood by the doorway to the waiting room, somewhat stunned by what he was witnessing.

“He’s a damn good doctor,” Ruby threw back at him rather loudly. Jacob’s eyes widened in shock. Quil’s and Embry’s eyebrows were threatening to merge with their hairlines they were so high. Ruby was always cautious with everyone, never wanting to disappoint her new friends and risk them leaving her and they were surprised to see this part of her.

“He’s one of them.” He yelled back. Ruby flinched, not used to being yelled at, but stood her ground.

“I really don’t give a damn about your feud with each other. Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, Humans. I don’t give a shit.” Quil choked and Embry let out an ineligible sound of shock. “There is a man in there who I love like my own family and all I care about is making sure he’s in capable hands and I believe those hands belong to Dr. Cullen.” Sam looked surprised, not used to people arguing with him. “Now, Sammy, you know I love you too. You’ve become like an older brother to me but I am telling you to please not fight me on this.”

Sam stared at Carlisle and spat out, “Bloodsucker.”

Ruby shook her head, disappointed. “Are you really going to be this way? You would rather Billy be in the hands of someone less qualified than let a vampire save his life?” Ruby was upset. She felt let down. She was seeing a side of Sam that she did not like. He was being spiteful. What’s that saying? she thought to herself. He’d cut his nose off to spite his face? Did he not understand that Billy’s chances increased with Carlisle as his doctor? She saw Bella wrap her hands around herself and shivered from the decrease in temperature. Her power was getting away from her. She gritted her teeth and tried to relax. “That’s sad. What about me, Sam? I’m a witch. I pray to Gods and Goddesses you don’t believe exist. I have my beliefs and rituals and habits just like the Cullen family has theirs. I’m different than you Sam. Do you hate me? Am I not good enough for Jacob because of who I am?”

Sam blanched and was about to say something but Jacob didn’t want to hear the answer. If Sam had said yes, it was somehow implying that Jacob needed Sam’s permission to be with someone he loved. If Sam had said no, it would have started a series of events that would have ended with Jacob choosing Ruby over his pack. He didn’t like where either answer lead to so he cut Sam off.

“Can you do this surgery, Carlisle?”

“Yes.” His voice was steady, calm and confident.

“Can you guarantee he will be okay?”

“No, I cannot. No doctor can, but I’ve talked to Ruby and if anything goes wrong I will get her and she will heal him.” Jacob looked between Carlisle and Ruby. He knew Ruby would never let anything bad happen to him, his father or his pack, she loved them.

“Fine. I want you to be his doctor.” Carlisle nodded once before rushing off to look over Billy’s chart and prepare for the surgery.

Sam was seething at having a Quileute chief’s life in the hands of a bloodsucker. He quietly walked away and sat as far away from the remaining vampire as he could.

“Jacob, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you but I knew he could help and I knew you wouldn’t-”

“It’s ok.” He brushed a lock of hair away from her face. “I’m glad you did.” She wanted to say more. She wanted to apologize for yelling at Sam and express how embarrassed she was for the argument but she didn’t get a chance to.

“Jacob, I’m so sorry about Billy,” Bella interrupted, rushing forward to give him a hug.

“I am sorry also. My family wanted me to tell you that you and your father are in their thoughts.” Edward expressed honestly.

“Thanks, I guess.” Jacob answered. Then they all sat back down, Ruby sitting between Jacob and Edward, waiting for Billy to come out of the surgery. Charlie arrived soon after and Bella rushed to tell him what she knew. After three hours, Quil, Paul, Jared and Bella all fell asleep. Sam got up and started to pace, every so often muttering to himself. Charlie abused his position as Chief of Police to get the latest updates and Jacob kept shifting in his chair, glancing up whenever anyone walked by.

A half hour later, while Charlie was talking to Jacob, Ruby got up and sat next to Embry.

“He’s mad at me,” Ruby said miserably.

“Who? Sam?” Ruby nodded and forced herself to smile because she felt she was on the verge of tears. She hated to disappoint anyone. This was her first fight with a friend and all she wanted to do was rush to him and apologize so it would be all behind them. She didn’t though, because if there was one thing she hated more than disappointing people was to lie. If she apologized to him it would be a lie. She wasn’t sorry for what she did. She was just upset that it couldn’t have gone better. “No.”

“I can tell. His aura is red and very muddied. He’s past mad. He’s pissed.”

“He might be mad but I don’t think he’s mad at you.”

“Then who is he mad at?”

“I don’t think he’s mad at anyone. Maybe he’s just mad at the situation.”

“Maybe.” Ruby said doubtfully.

Paul, who was sleeping in the chair next to Embry with his arms crossed over his chest and his head resting against the wall, stirred.

“Maybe,” Paul offered, his eyes still closed, “He’s pissed because you might be right.” Ruby scrunched up her face confused and looked at Embry. He had an eyebrow raised and was nodding his head. “That would be a good enough reason to make me pissed.”

“What?” Ruby asked.

“He’s mad you could be right.” Embry repeated Paul. “If you’re right then that means that not only did a vampire save an important member of our tribe and family but that the vampire did it willingly. He’s probably rethinking everything he knows about them. Maybe they aren’t as horrible as he believes.”

“Yeah, but then again,” Paul added, “Maybe they are. I still won’t trust them but there is no denying that I am in debt to them because of Billy.”

Ruby glanced at Paul and Embry. Paul hated the vampires and probably always would. Embry considered the Cullen family his friends. Ruby was amazed they part of the same pack; they were so different.

“Paul, can I ask you for a favor?” Ruby asked carefully. She knew all about Paul’s temper.

“Will it get me out of this waiting room?” He glanced at Edward as he spoke.


“Then I’m in. What do you need?”

“Do you know where I live?” He nodded as he yawned. “Can you go there and pick up what my grandmother gives you?”

“Got nothing else to do.” He got up and stretched. “I’ll be back soon.” Then he was gone. Ruby took a moment to call her grandmother. She told her about Billy and to expect a visit from Paul, then hung up. By the time she got up to go back to her seat, Embry had fallen asleep. She sat next to Jacob and grabbed his hand, giving it a gently reassuring squeeze.

Another hour and a half later, sleep was calling to Ruby and she was tempted to answer. The yawns came fast, her eyes became dry and her body ached from lack of sleep but she refused to doze off while Jacob was so worried. Edward caught snippets of her thoughts – a soft pillow, a cool bed and a stuffed animal that’d seen better days – and got up. When he came back he was holding two large cups of coffee. Handing one to Ruby, he tapped Jacob and gave him the other. Jacob was shocked but mumbled a quiet ‘thanks’ nonetheless.

Another hour and one extremely strong, sugar-filled cup of coffee later, Ruby was shaking softly, practically vibrating, partly from lack of sleep and partly due to the caffeine.

After a few more minutes, Carlisle walked back into the waiting room, looking tired but cheerful. Everyone stood up.

“The surgery went well,” he told Jacob, and Ruby felt his body relax next to hers. “Your father is recovering and you can go see him now.”

“When can he go home?” Jacob asked.

“Not for at least a week. I want to monitor him and make sure he is well enough before he deals with the stress of everyday life considering how special his life is. After a week I will exam him again and I will be able to tell you then.”

Jacob hesitated for a second and then extended his arm. “Thank you Carlisle. I- I can’t thank you enough.”

“Your very welcome Jacob. I was just doing my job.”

Ruby nodded, glad everything turned out ok, and sat back down, wanting to give Jacob time with his father alone.

“What are you doing?” Jacob asked her. “I need you.” Ruby smiled up at him and everyone said goodbye to them as she followed him to his father’s room.

Fifteen minutes later they walked out of the hospital after promising a very weak and tired Billy that they would be back after they all got some sleep. Ruby drove Jacob to his house blinking from the glare of the mid morning sun and he was surprised when she shut off the car and got out with him.

“I’m staying over,” she said, answering his questioning look.


“Did you think I would leave you now? I called my grandma and had her pack up my stuff and Paul picked it up for me. It’s in the backseat.”

“When did all this happen?”

“Around the fourth hour of waiting. You didn’t notice much of what was going on.” Jacob reached into the backseat and pulled out two duffel bags. He wondered how long she was staying but didn’t say anything. “We’ll have to be squished on the bed but I think we’ll manage.”

“Thanks.” He reached out and touched her on the arm making her pause. “Really, thanks for everything. For getting Carlisle, fighting with Sam, staying up with me when I know you were dead tired and for staying now. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

“No problem. I love you. I go to the ends of the earth for the people I love.”

“I’m so lucky to have you. I love you too.”

“Now, can we please get some sleep?”