Chapter 16 - Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting)

A/N: I do not own Twilight or its characters, Stephanie Meyer does. Ruby is from my imagination.


It needs but one foe to breed a war, and those who have not swords can still die upon them.” –J.R.R. Tolkien


The first thing that Ruby and the others noticed was that Victoria’s little army had grown in size. There were more than twenty, not including the copper headed Victoria and a young blond man standing slightly behind the snarling newborns.

“So, that’s Vicky,” Ruby said to herself.

There was a moment when the two sides just stared at each other; one side tense and ready to protect one of their own, the other side twitching impatiently, lusting for violence and blood.

Victoria smiled at them but the curve of her lips and the widening of her eyes made her look insane. In a voice too young and sweet for her, she said to her army “Save the sweet smelling one for me.” Then her shrill voice screamed, “Kill them.”

The wolves snarled and growled, running forward, their mouths opening exposing impressive sets of teeth dripping with drool. The Cullens, minus Edward who was firmly in place protecting Bella, charged colliding with the newborns with such a thunderous bang that both Ruby and Bella covered their ears and cringed at the sound.

Hands to her ears, still startled by the noise, Ruby failed to notice the trio of newborns that made it through the line of fighters, coming right towards her. A loud growl of warning from Jacob caught her attention, causing her to look up in time. Throwing her hands in front of her, they stopped in their tracks and with a shove on thin air, she threw them back with such force that one left a dent in one tree, snapping another in half raining splintered wood and leaves down to the damp ground.

Victoria screamed out in anger. “What the hell is she?”

Ruby eyed the fallen chunks of wood and used her telekinesis to move them into a pile on what she considered their side of the clearing. Starting a fire in the palm of her hand, she floated it over to the bits of the fallen tree, knowing they would need it sooner rather than later. Soon the flames were dancing high in the clearing.

Behind her back, Ruby heard Bella scream out Edward’s name, which only meant one thing: Edward was occupied and unable to protect Bella. Ruby spun on the spot, knowing that Edward entrusted her with the responsibility to protect Bella should something happen to him. She saw Edward, he was taking on two newborns moving fast behind them, getting shots in as he sped by. Then she saw Emmett, having killed the vampire he was dealing with, come over to help his brother. What she saw next turned her blood cold.

There was a newborn, eyes crimson red, and he had a clear shot at Bella.

“No.” Ruby screamed and threw her hands out intent on pulling Bella closer to her but her mind had been focused on protecting Bella not moving her. Bella was not pulled back, instead she did not move and a nearly invisible bubbled surrounded her.

The newborn charged, Bella covered herself with her arms and ducked, Ruby screamed in horror. However, it was for naught. The newborn bounced off of the bubble, unable to get within four feet of Bella.

“What the hell?” Ruby muttered through her confusion. Emmett and Edward both coming out the victors in their fight with the newborns walked in different directions; Emmett to Ruby and Edward to check on Bella. Neither could breech the bubble, but they were able to talk to each other, explaining to the other that they were fine.

“I didn’t know you could do that.” Emmett yelled over the battle, his eyes scanning the field for incoming trouble.

“I can’t.” She let out a single sob. “It’s my grandmother’s power.”

“Then how did you…,” he trailed off. There was something nagging at him, a piece of information he remembered Ruby telling him.

“Oh Goddess.” She brought her hand to her heart. It suddenly felt as if it had splintered into a thousand pieces.

“Oh Ruby,” Emmett said sadly, realization dawning on him.

She knew. She knew her grandmother willed her her powers. That only meant one thing. “She’s dead,” Ruby whispered afraid for some reason to say it louder. All the confidence she received from the Goddess drained her body and she wrapped her arms around herself as she dropped to her knees, paying no attention to the cold dampness seeping through her skirt freezing her knees.

Ruby could not move, she felt numb and in shock. Her sadness triggered her power and suddenly the air around her started to get colder. Time stood still for her. She just kneeled on the ground in the freezing cold ignoring the maelstrom around her. She stared at the ground, body trembling, breathing heavy, trying her damnedest not to cry.

A female vampire, no older than sixteen and with the face of a cherub charged her. Emmett intercepted and someone screamed in pain but Ruby paid no attention. He mind was replaying the previous day at her grandmother’s house. She finally understood it all; her grandmother’s weird behavior, the sad goodbye, making Ruby promise that she and Jacob would always take care of each other, the boxes – oh Goddess, the boxes – she wasn’t redecorating. She was packing up her own belongings so Ruby would not have to. And of course she wouldn’t have said she missed Thomas; she had every intention of seeing him again soon.

Even dinner had been Margaret’s favorite meal.

Ruby felt herself start to hyperventilate and dug her fingernails into her palms trying to slow her breaths. She jumped when something wet and cold touched her neck. It was Jacob. He was nudging her gently with his nose and whined low in his throat. She knew what it meant. ‘I’m sorry.’ He shivered next and licked her hand. She knew what that meant also. ‘You’re making it too cold. You’ll freeze.’

Taking a deep breath, she sat back on her feet and banished the cold away, replacing it with warmth. She brought her hands to her face and screamed as loud as she could. Jacob put his head on her lap; it was a painful cry for her friends to hear, not because it was loud but because of all the hurt that was in it.

Just then, she heard a hard slap, similar to the sound of meat being hit with a tenderizer, and a crack. Ruby looked up in time to see the spotted wolf fall to the ground a few feet away, slide across the grass and skid to a stop at her knees.

“Oh dear Goddess. Embry.” She knew what must have happened. Newborn saw her and Jacob as easy prey and charged. Embry had come to their rescue and taken a blow meant for them. She wished he hadn’t because now he was hurt… badly, but of course he would. He was a good soul, Jacob’s best friend and mixture of younger brother and best friend to Ruby.

Jacob sprinted toward the newborn that hurt his friend, his mouth open, teeth bared. Growling, he lunged, his mouth going around the vampire’s throat. When Ruby heard the screeching of metal, she knew the problem was taken care of. She hadn’t been watching Jacob fight, instead she was watching Embry. He was not moving, save for slow shallow breaths. She placed her hands on him but he whimpered in pain and she instinctively pulled them back not wanting to cause him discomfort. That is when she noticed the fur near his chest saturated with blood.

This was too much. Her grandmother, who was always so full of life, was now gone, dead, and now sweet Embry could possibly die too. No. She would not let it happen.

For the first time in her life, Ruby became angry. And for a girl who was bad at being angry, she more than made up for it at that moment.

She felt the energy that resulted from someone willing you their powers, coursing through her veins. She felt strong, stronger than ever. She briefly wondered how strong her grandmother really was in order for Ruby to feel this powerful.

She brought her face close to Embry’s muzzle and said, “I’ll be right back. I have to handle some things. Hang on.” She got to her feet slowly and enjoyed the feel of the cool grass against her bare soles. Her long hair danced wildly behind her in the wind as she waved her hand over Embry, casting a protective bubble around him.

She ran to the front line, where Sam was taking on two vampires. Paul was attempting to do the same but getting beat up in the process. Seth had one newborn pinned to the ground by his throat, while Leah tugged at his ankle until it screamed in pain as the limb was removed. It was the same all across the line.

She felt as if the battle had begun a lifetime ago. She could not believe it had only started a few minutes earlier. Ten, fifteen minutes tops.

She raised her hands, wondering where to start when Paul yelped and the decision was made for her. She raised both of the vampires that he was fighting into the air and quickly spread her fingers as far apart as they would go. The two snarling beings were in pieces before anyone knew what happened. She dropped them into the fire, thick purple smoke rising immediately.

Paul turned and took on one of the vampires that Sam was fighting. It was a fair fight now; she knew those boys could take on one vampire, no problem. She turned her attention to Jasper, who was also taking on two newborns. She lifted them in the air and repeated the same process and soon they were in the flames with the others.

Victoria started to get worried. She wanted Bella dead, needed it to be done by her own hands but at the same time she didn’t want to die. She debated turning around and making a run for it; live to fight another day.

Unfortunately for Victoria, Ruby could tell from the vampire’s aura that she was conflicted and she could tell by her body language what about. Before she could make up her mind, Ruby cast a protective bubble around the fiery vampire and hoisted her high into the air.

“What are you doing?” Victoria snarled, as she kicked and scratched at the bubble.

“Making sure you don’t go anywhere. I wouldn’t want you to miss the fun,” Ruby told her. “Edward,” she yelled. Ruby could have taken her out quietly, could have killed her in no time, but she knew that Edward had to be the one who did it. Victoria had threatened his love, his mate; it was his right to be the one who took her out.

He was busy talking to Bella, not worried about an attack for most of the newborns were taken care of, a few battles taking place across the field.

He turned to look at her.

“I saved you a gift.” She looked up at the enraged female vampire and Edward followed her gaze.

For the first time, Ruby saw Edward as truly dangerous. He looked murderous as he spoke. “Thank you Ruby. Why don’t you unwrap her for me so I may play?” He walked away from Bella, almost stalking, as Ruby lowered the now frantic vampire. It took Ruby a moment to figure out how to lower the shield but once she did, Victoria made a run for it. But Edward had always been fast and he grabbed hold of her before she made it too far.

He had no emotion on his face as he fought. Ruby backed away towards the tree line to get away from the fight. Victoria put up a good fight but after a few ear splitting metal ripping screeches Edward was left the victor.

Edward gathered the pieces, still twitching, and carried them to the fire. The threat gone, Ruby removed Bella’s bubble and Edward was there hugging her and making sure she was ok.

A second later, she cursed for not staying focused, for believing the battle was over, because the next thing she knew, she was in pain.

What felt like a truck, but was actually Victoria’s blond headed companion, slammed into her. She was thrown back into the woods, out of view of the others, into the trunk of one of the massive trees. Her forearm hit it first and snapped like a twig, her shoulder collided with it a split second later and Ruby felt it shift forward painfully.

“Shit,” she hissed through clenched teeth. She was in excruciating pain; left shoulder and arm hung uselessly at her side, her right side throbbing from the vampire collision. She would have a huge black and blue soon and from the difficulty she was having breathing she figured she must have broken a rib or three on her right side. In addition, she could feel moisture, a lot of moisture, sliding down her back from where she made impact with the tree. The only thing she could think of was she must have impaled herself on a broken branch.

Great, she thought to herself, I’m surrounded by vampires and I’m bleeding.

She saw the young man coming at her again and grunted in pain when she raised her right arm. He stopped in his tracks. He snarled and snapped his teeth, desperately wanting to hurt her, drink from her. Ruby spread her fingers and he moved no more. Struggling, she lit a fire in her palm and guided it to the tangle of limbs.

Looking through a few trees, she saw that everyone else had just finished their own little battles. Her friends looking battered but alive, fur askew and clothes torn, gazing down at the pieces of what was their opponents.

She tried to take a step but cried out in pain when her right ankle tried to carry her weight. She could not even remember injuring it. Just then, Esme walked past her headed to the fire, carrying what looked like a bundle of legs, arms and a head.

“Esme,” Ruby managed to call out through her pain.

Esme turned towards the voice and saw the young woman she came to consider a daughter, leaning against a tree, trying to stay vertical. “Ruby. Oh no.” She dropped the bundle and called out for Emmett to take them. She reached Ruby so fast, that the latter could have sworn she teleported.

“I’m bleeding,” she warned. Esme nodded and held her breath.

“What happened?”

“Vampire crashed into me. Can you take me to Embry?” Esme nodded and lifted her very carefully into her arms. She ran slower than she could of, not wanting to jostle the girl more than necessary.

Ruby saw the pack, most in wolf form, except for Sam and Jacob, around the protective bubble, watching Embry. Carlisle and Alice were there too, and Edward and Bella were making their way over.

“Can you put me down?” she asked quietly and added, “but don’t go far too far. I don’t think I can stand because of this ankle.” And the lack of blood, she thought. Esme placed Ruby on her feet. She quickly moved all her weight onto her good ankle as Esme bent down and rubbed her hands into the dirt, frantically trying to rub off the blood that got on her. “I’m sorry,” Ruby whispered. Esme smiled in an apologetic way then stood to help Ruby stand.

Ruby spread her hand and slowly made a fist, the protective bubble around the wounded wolf disappeared.

Everyone looked up at Ruby. The wolves whined; Sam and Edward were outraged; Alice and Bella gasped; and Jacob growled and shook, fighting the desire to phase as they took in her appearance. The bruise she knew would come was already purple and deep red. It reached her front and back, covering her from just under her armpit and disappearing into her skirt. Her entire left side hung limply at the wrong angle and blood was smeared on her skin. Embry was the only one who looked worse than her.

Jacob ran over to her, supporting her weight from Esme.

Ruby was looking over his shoulder, watching as Carlisle examined Embry and say something to Sam. She did not hear Jacob talking to her.

“Wait, what?” she asked.

“What happened to you?” He sounded as if he was about to cry. He skimmed his hands over her bruise and she hissed.

“I thought the battle was over. I forgot about Vicky’s blond boy.”

He cursed a blue streak and ran a hand through his hair, removing it from his face. Then he felt his arm, the one around her back holding her up, get wet. When he looked, he saw a ragged wound just below her shoulder blade and it was bleeding heavily. He shook with shock but placed his hand over the wound and applied pressure causing her to grunt out in pain. “Why haven’t you healed yourself?”

“I need someone to pop my shoulder back. I don’t know if my healing will pop it back into place or not. I rather not chance it.” She leaned further onto him, suddenly tired as the adrenaline and blood left her body. “How’s Embry?” she asked as loud as she could manage.

Carlisle came over and examined her, despite her protest that she would heal. “I asked Sam to forbid him to phase just yet. He landed on something sharp and that is what caused the bleeding. He has also broken a couple of ribs, so have you I might add,” he directed to Ruby, “and I believe one of his bones was shattered. Now the broken bones are already healing but the shattered one has begun to heal at a too slow pace and is causing a problem. One of the fragments is too close to his heart, if he moves too much or phases it could pierce his heart and he could die.”

A plan was already formulating in Ruby’s mind. She could not let Embry die, she couldn’t chance it. She had to heal him. He was hurt taking a hit intended for her. Which, she thought to herself, was a good thing. She did not think she would have survived two collisions with a vampire. She loved him like family; she knew what she had to do.

“Jacob,” she said turning to him.

She gave him a nervous smile and waited. It took him two seconds to figure out what she was thinking. At first Ruby thought he was going to argue, tell her no and forbid her. He looked outraged but then he closed his eyes and sighed.

“But you’re hurt, really bad.” He was petrified for her.

“I know, but I have a plan and if it works we’ll both be healed.”

“If it works?” he said. “If it works?” he yelled rolling his eyes and running his hand through his hair again out of frustration. He turned abruptly and took a few steps away from her, temporarily forgetting he was using his hand to stem her blood flow.

Ruby swayed on the spot when she was forced to let go of his shoulder as he walked away but Carlisle rushed to her side. He helped her stand and applied the necessary pressure to her wound. She was vaguely aware of how nice his cold hand felt against the pain. After a few deep breaths, Jacob nodded to himself and walked back to Ruby.

“Fine. I trust you. What’s your plan?” If she could have, she would have thrown herself at him and kissed him senseless.

“Bring me to Em.” Jacob walked her to Embry’s side. “Lower me.” He helped her sit on the ground. “Ok. The plan is simple. Someone needs to pop my shoulder back into place. Once that is done I’m going to use all the strength I have to heal us both at the same time.” Ruby hesitated before finishing. “Even though I have control of my healing now, there’s a good chance I’ll pass out.” Jacob growled. “I’ll be fine. It’s only because I’m so close to passing out now. I’ll wake up. I promise.”

“I’m going to hold you to that.”

“Alright. Who’s going to do the honors?” Ruby asked looking at her deformed shoulder then looking at Jacob.

“I can’t,” he told her. “I can’t hurt you. It’s going to hurt and I can’t be the one that hurts you.”

Ruby nodded in understanding. Bella felt Edward tense next to her then take a step forward.

“I’ll do it.” He moved to stand next to his friend. “I don’t want to but I’ll do it.”

“Thanks. Just be careful. My forearm is broken too.”

“Perfect,” Edward said with dry sarcasm.

Jacob knelt and placed a kiss on her lips. “As soon as all of this is behind us, we’re getting married.” He looked into her eyes waiting for a response.

“First thing, baby,” she said smiling at him.

Jacob moved until he was sitting behind her, cradling her body and holding her right hand.

“Are you ready?” Edward asked, reluctant to complete the task. Ruby nodded weakly, mouth suddenly too dry to speak.

“Just like I taught you son,” Carlisle instructed.

Edward grabbed hold of her elbow and slowly raised it until it was level with her shoulder, rotating it until her fingertips pointed towards the sky. He placed his other hand on her shoulder. He hesitated a moment before pulling on the elbow with one hand and pushing the head of the humerus into the socket with the other.

Ruby bit her lip and let out a pained moan that ended up in a scream. She could feel her body wanting to sleep, to pass out but she fought it. She had to help a friend first before she could do that. With a silent pray to the Goddess, she used all her strength and placed her hand on Embry. The temperature dropped, making each breath visible. Ruby shuddered; she could feel a shift under her hands, informing her that Embry was healing. She felt the throbbing pain start to subside in her shoulder and the flow of blood lessen before her vision started to fade inward, her head started to slump backward and Ruby willingly surrendered to the darkness.